Beyond Financial simplifies the procedures of applying for all authorities and permits by doing the leg work for you. Avoid spending days and weeks of your time filling out paperwork, plus months of waiting. Let us be your one-stop shop for all your authority requirements.
BOC-3 Filing Services
BOC-3 Filling Services: Federal Rules mandate that every Interstate Authorized For Hire Carrier operating under their own operating authority have a current BOC -3 form on file with the office of motor carrier safety. The BOC-3 form is a list of registered process agents for each state, who, in the event of a legal action being presented against the motor carrier by an individual or legal entity from outside the carriers base state, would accept the papers being served on the carriers behalf and would then forward them to the carrier being served. A current BOC-3 form must be on file with FMCSA in order to secure operating authority and to maintain active operating status. A current BOC -3 form is also required to be on file on a state level for securing single state registration (RS-3 receipt), exempt carrier registration and private carrier registration